Friday, February 1, 2013

Urban Solutions for Curitiba, Brazil
In 1971 big changes were made in Curitiba, Brazil. Urban solutions in transportation and recycling were made to better improve the city.
The first improvement set into place was public transportation. A trinary bus system is used to better accomidate the citizens and the environment of Curitiba. The bus system works as a subway. They're  different colored busses for different routes. The buses travel down 5 major axis to ease traffic flow and save time for the travler.
The Curitiba bus system gets 25,000 passsagers a day and ech bus can hold up to 270 passengers! A very efficent and environmetal form of transportation!
Recycling was another big change that took place in Curitiba, Brazil. As population began to grow the environment of Curitiba became dirtier. Citizens of Curitiba began disposing trash in the rivers and open areas. In order to prevent these harmful activities from happening the government put in a system. When citizens pick up trash and sort out the trash and the recycables citizens are awarded with bus tokens. Since busses are the main form of public transportation the system became a success. Public school systems of Curitiba also teach a class about recycling to better educate children.
In conclusion, the bus transportation system and recycling policy has benefited the people and environment of Curitiba, Brazil.

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